Where to find us
Postal address
Laboratory for Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (LAS)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe
KIT-Campus South
Geb. 30.45 (6. OG)
Engesser Straße 15
76131 Karlsruhe
Please Note: Due to the current rennovation of Building 30.45, the LAS has temporarily relocated to Room 009-013 in Building 10.11, Kaiserstr. 12. Other contact details remain the same.
LAS - Scattering and Imaging Group: (+49) 721 / 608-26115
LAS - Accelerator Group: (+49) 721 / 608-28535
Office LAS: (+49) 721 / 608-43320 / Fax: (+49) 721 / 608-47264
LAS - Accelerator Group: (+49) 721 / 608-28535
Office LAS: (+49) 721 / 608-43320 / Fax: (+49) 721 / 608-47264