Accelerator Technologies
Topcis of accelerator physics and research at LAS
- Novel, compact, superconducting insertion devices with developments geared towards 3rd and 4th generation synchrotron radiation sources including superconducting and compact magnet design.
- Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR), in the far-infrared and terahertz (THz) region: Conception and design of novel long-wavelength radiation sources for the production of intense synchrotron radiation.
We intensively study electron bunch and beam dynamics and investigate new beam diagnostics technologies for ultrashort electron bunches, ultrashort light pulses and rerahertz radiation.
Superconducting undulator technologiesThis work group, a subdivision of LAS, focuses on the development of novel, compact, superconductive electro-magnetic structures for the generation of synchrotron radiation, as well as, the investigation of the properties of such structures and their cross-interaction with the electron beam. |
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR)The strong scientific case for THz radiation is illustrated by many applications in various fields such as solid state physics, biology and nano technology. The THz region lies above the frequencies of traditional electronics but below the range of optical and infrared sources. |