PhD Theses

Year Name Thesis Title Supervisor
2024 Nergis, Berkin Growth, microstructure and proper-ties characterization of multiferroic heterostructures Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2024 Spiecker, Rebecca Bragg magnifier optics for dose-efficient X-ray phase contrast imaging Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2023 Pyatenko, Elizaveta X-ray and Electron Spectroscopy of the Chemical and Electronic Structure of Ga2O3 -Bulk, Surfaces, and Interfaces Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2023 Hurst, Mathias Contrast function based phase retrieval methods for advanced three dimensional X-ray microscopy techniques in particular Nanolaminography and Bragg-Magniffier Microscopy Prof. Dr. Tilo Bauambach
2022 Zuber, Marcus  Development, Characterization and Application of a novel X-Ray Imaging Laboratory Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2022 Kabukcuoglu, Merve 3D investigation of dislocation development in semiconductor wafers by means of x-ray diffraction imaging  Prof. Dr. Andreas Danilewsky
2021 Bode, Simon Development of X-ray Diffraction Imaging Techniques for the Quasi-In-Situ Characterization of Crystal Defects Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2021 Al Humaidi, Mahmoud In-situ investigation of the flux shadowing effect on polytypism and strain evolution in self-catalyzed core and core-shell nanowire systems Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pietsch
2021 Bremer, Sabine High-throughput 3D x-ray imaging of small vertebrate model organisms on the example of medaka Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2021 Kalt, Jochen Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of iron silicide nanostructures Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2021 Hessdorfer, Holger Messtechnische Entwicklung der Hauptkomponenten eines Messplatzes zur dosiseffizienten Röntgenbildgebung organischer Materialien Prof. Dr. Michael Fiederle
2020 Shkarin, Roman Machine leraning-based automated segmentation with a feedback loop for 3D synchrotron micro-CT Prof. Dr. Ralf Mikut
2020 Jakob, Julian Quantitative analysis ofin situtime-resolved RHEED during growthof self-catalysed GaAs nanowires Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2019 Reich, Stefan Hierarchical imaging of the dynamics during pulsed laser ablation in liquids Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2017 Debastiani, Rafaela Study of fragments of mural paintings from the Roman province of Germania Superior Prof. Dr. Michael Fiederle
2017 Farago, Tomas Image-based control and Automation of High-speed X-ray Imaging Experiments Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Dillmann
2017 Pradip, Ramu Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of epitaxial europium oxide thin films Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2015 Ershov, Alexey Automated Analysis of Time-resolved X-ray  Data using Optical Flow Methods Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Dillmann
2015 Waller, Olga Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of epitaxial rare earth films and nanostructures Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2015 Afonso Rodriguez, Veronica Electromagnetic design, Implementation and Test of a Superconducting Undulator with a Transverse Gradient Field Amplitude Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller
2015 Seiler, Anja Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of rare earth silicide nanostructures Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing
2015 Hänschke, Daniel Development and Correlative Application of X-ray Difraction Laminography Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2015 Moosmann, Julian Nicht linearer Zugang für das inverse Problem der Phasenrückgewinnung aus Einzelmessungen der Röntgenintensitäten bei nur einem Propagationsabstand Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2014 Köhl, Martin Analysis of nanostructures based on di raction of X-ray adiation Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2014 Kaufholz, Marthe Monitoring the film formation during sputter deposition of vanadiumcarbide by in situ X-ray reflectivity measurements Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2014 Weinhardt, Venera 3-D imaging based on hard x-ray grating interferometry: theory, development and application Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2013 Lazarev, Sergey  X-ray Investigation of defects in III-Nitrides and their Alloys Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2013 Cheng, Yin In situ Synchrotron Radiation Computed Laminography for Materials Failure Analysis Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing
2013 Yang, Yang Phase Contrast Full-field Transmission Hard X-ray Microscopy: Developments and Applications in Microbiology Prof. Dr. Caroline Röhr
2013 Hamann, Elias Characterization of High Resistivity GaAs as Sensor Material for Photon Counting Semiconductor Pixel Detectors Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing
2013 Miriam Fitterr Design Study of the Large Hadron Electron Collider and a Rapid Cycling ynchrotron as Alternative to the PS Booster Upgrade at CERN Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2012 Xu, Feng Developments and Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Computed Laminography with Micrometer and Nanometer resolution Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2012 Klein, Marit Optics Calculations and Simulations of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics for the Low-  Mode at ANKA Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2012 Miljevic, Bojan Characterization of Growth and Real Structure of Nitride Based Semiconductor Devices by Use of Synchrotron Radiation Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2012 Mariyam S. D. Darma Microstructure Analysis of (V,Al)(C,N) Hard Coating by X-Ray Di raction and X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2011 Riotte, Markus Characterization of Photonic Quantum Dots with Coherent Scattering Methods Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2011 Hofmann, André Erste Untersuchungen mit einzelnen Elektronenpulsen am ANKA-Speicherring Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach
2011 Li, Zhi Juan Strain Fields and Defects in Silicon Wafers Induced by Nanoindentation Studied by X-ray Microdiffraction Imaging Prof. Dr. Arne Cröll
2010 Jochum, Tobias Aggregation und Toxizität des Androgenrezeptors bei spinaler und bulbärer Muskelatrophie Prof. Dr. Andrew C.B. Cato
2010 Fohtung, Edwin B. Strain Field and Strain Engineering in Semiconductor Nanostructures: Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging and Analytical Studies Prof. Dr. Arne Cröll