PhD Theses
Year | Name | Thesis Title | Supervisor |
2024 | Nergis, Berkin | Growth, microstructure and proper-ties characterization of multiferroic heterostructures | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2024 | Spiecker, Rebecca | Bragg magnifier optics for dose-efficient X-ray phase contrast imaging | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2023 | Pyatenko, Elizaveta | X-ray and Electron Spectroscopy of the Chemical and Electronic Structure of Ga2O3 -Bulk, Surfaces, and Interfaces | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2023 | Hurst, Mathias | Contrast function based phase retrieval methods for advanced three dimensional X-ray microscopy techniques in particular Nanolaminography and Bragg-Magniffier Microscopy | Prof. Dr. Tilo Bauambach |
2022 | Zuber, Marcus | Development, Characterization and Application of a novel X-Ray Imaging Laboratory | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2022 | Kabukcuoglu, Merve | 3D investigation of dislocation development in semiconductor wafers by means of x-ray diffraction imaging | Prof. Dr. Andreas Danilewsky |
2021 | Bode, Simon | Development of X-ray Diffraction Imaging Techniques for the Quasi-In-Situ Characterization of Crystal Defects | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2021 | Al Humaidi, Mahmoud | In-situ investigation of the flux shadowing effect on polytypism and strain evolution in self-catalyzed core and core-shell nanowire systems | Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pietsch |
2021 | Bremer, Sabine | High-throughput 3D x-ray imaging of small vertebrate model organisms on the example of medaka | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2021 | Kalt, Jochen | Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of iron silicide nanostructures | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2021 | Hessdorfer, Holger | Messtechnische Entwicklung der Hauptkomponenten eines Messplatzes zur dosiseffizienten Röntgenbildgebung organischer Materialien | Prof. Dr. Michael Fiederle |
2020 | Shkarin, Roman | Machine leraning-based automated segmentation with a feedback loop for 3D synchrotron micro-CT | Prof. Dr. Ralf Mikut |
2020 | Jakob, Julian | Quantitative analysis ofin situtime-resolved RHEED during growthof self-catalysed GaAs nanowires | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2019 | Reich, Stefan | Hierarchical imaging of the dynamics during pulsed laser ablation in liquids | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2017 | Debastiani, Rafaela | Study of fragments of mural paintings from the Roman province of Germania Superior | Prof. Dr. Michael Fiederle |
2017 | Farago, Tomas | Image-based control and Automation of High-speed X-ray Imaging Experiments | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Dillmann |
2017 | Pradip, Ramu | Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of epitaxial europium oxide thin films | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2015 | Ershov, Alexey | Automated Analysis of Time-resolved X-ray Data using Optical Flow Methods | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Dillmann |
2015 | Waller, Olga | Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of epitaxial rare earth films and nanostructures | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2015 | Afonso Rodriguez, Veronica | Electromagnetic design, Implementation and Test of a Superconducting Undulator with a Transverse Gradient Field Amplitude | Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller |
2015 | Seiler, Anja | Growth, structure and lattice dynamics of rare earth silicide nanostructures | Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing |
2015 | Hänschke, Daniel | Development and Correlative Application of X-ray Difraction Laminography | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2015 | Moosmann, Julian | Nicht linearer Zugang für das inverse Problem der Phasenrückgewinnung aus Einzelmessungen der Röntgenintensitäten bei nur einem Propagationsabstand | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2014 | Köhl, Martin | Analysis of nanostructures based on di raction of X-ray adiation | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2014 | Kaufholz, Marthe | Monitoring the film formation during sputter deposition of vanadiumcarbide by in situ X-ray reflectivity measurements | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2014 | Weinhardt, Venera | 3-D imaging based on hard x-ray grating interferometry: theory, development and application | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2013 | Lazarev, Sergey | X-ray Investigation of defects in III-Nitrides and their Alloys | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2013 | Cheng, Yin | In situ Synchrotron Radiation Computed Laminography for Materials Failure Analysis | Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing |
2013 | Yang, Yang | Phase Contrast Full-field Transmission Hard X-ray Microscopy: Developments and Applications in Microbiology | Prof. Dr. Caroline Röhr |
2013 | Hamann, Elias | Characterization of High Resistivity GaAs as Sensor Material for Photon Counting Semiconductor Pixel Detectors | Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing |
2013 | Miriam Fitterr | Design Study of the Large Hadron Electron Collider and a Rapid Cycling ynchrotron as Alternative to the PS Booster Upgrade at CERN | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2012 | Xu, Feng | Developments and Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Computed Laminography with Micrometer and Nanometer resolution | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2012 | Klein, Marit | Optics Calculations and Simulations of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics for the Low- Mode at ANKA | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2012 | Miljevic, Bojan | Characterization of Growth and Real Structure of Nitride Based Semiconductor Devices by Use of Synchrotron Radiation | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2012 | Mariyam S. D. Darma | Microstructure Analysis of (V,Al)(C,N) Hard Coating by X-Ray Di raction and X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2011 | Riotte, Markus | Characterization of Photonic Quantum Dots with Coherent Scattering Methods | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2011 | Hofmann, André | Erste Untersuchungen mit einzelnen Elektronenpulsen am ANKA-Speicherring | Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach |
2011 | Li, Zhi Juan | Strain Fields and Defects in Silicon Wafers Induced by Nanoindentation Studied by X-ray Microdiffraction Imaging | Prof. Dr. Arne Cröll |
2010 | Jochum, Tobias | Aggregation und Toxizität des Androgenrezeptors bei spinaler und bulbärer Muskelatrophie | Prof. Dr. Andrew C.B. Cato |
2010 | Fohtung, Edwin B. | Strain Field and Strain Engineering in Semiconductor Nanostructures: Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging and Analytical Studies | Prof. Dr. Arne Cröll |